Jacaranda Close,
Off Ridgeways Road
Phone Number
0745624158, 0745623979
Off Ridgeways Road
0745624158, 0745623979
CBE frequently asked questions
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Available trainings are either in person or Virtual Training. You can confirm on particular trainings near your city when there will be an in person training. If no traing are available in person you can participate in an in person training.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya
The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is a new education system in Kenya that focuses on the acquisition of specific skills and competencies by students rather than just the accumulation of knowledge. It was introduced to replace the three-decade old 8-4-4 system.
KICD as mandated by the KICD Act 2013 developed the current CBC curriculum and its support material using a team of experts including practicing teachers, teacher educators, university lecturers, quality assurance and standards officers and curriculum support officers from Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
A team of experts reviewed the previous 8-4-4 education system, which was informed by a needs assessment conducted across the country. This review revealed that the system had become unpopular since it was examination oriented at the expense of other education needs.
Unlike the 8-4-4 system, which focused on examinations and academic content, the CBC emphasizes skill and competency development, continuous assessment, learner-centered approaches and a more holistic approach to education. CBC aims to equip learners with relevant skills, values, and competencies to prepare them for the demands of the modern world. It also seeks to reduce the emphasis on exams as the sole measure of a student's abilities. It also accommodates learners' diversity in ability and learning methods, allowing each learner to attain success and fulfillment within their individual capacities.
The new curriculum requires parents to take an active role in their children's growth and development. They must guarantee that the child's learning is supported both at home and at school in order for them to grow into responsible citizens with the correct values. This requires every parent to move from parental involvement as was in the old system to Parental Engagement and Empowerment as the new curriculum expects a parent to be a co-educator for the success of the learner.
Some challenges that have been encountered in the implementation of the CBC include:
CBE International’s main mission is To provide expert, technical, professional and practical support that enhances understanding of policy framework, rollout of approved curriculum, action research, trainings and partnerships with education stakeholders at all levels
The objective of these partnerships is to ensure a coordinated and consistent approach to implementing the education system. This helps learners, parents, teachers, and other institutions understand the policy framework and how to implement the approved curriculum. CBE International has a diverse and highly skilled team of professionals who provide technical and practical support to education stakeholders. Our training facet covers:
You can browse our website and social media networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube & Tiktok). You can also send us an email with your question at admin@cbe-international.org or call, text or Whatsapp us through 0745624158/0745623979
(+254) 723 897 097
9 AM - 5 PM
Jacaranda Close, Off Rdigeways Rd