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Relationship Between Parental Engagement in A Child’s Education and Their Academic Performance


Parental engagement in a child’s education has been related to higher academic success and overall well-being. According to research, when parents are actively involved in their children’s education, it can improve numerous elements of their academic journey. Students with engaged parents have been shown to have higher grades and standardized test scores. Students are better prepared to achieve academically when their parents assist with homework, provide educational tools, and engage in talks about schoolwork.


Parental engagement comes in various forms, including but not limited to attending parent-teacher conferences, helping with homework, reading together, participating in school events, and engaging in conversations about educational goals etc.

Some of the ways in which parental engagement influences a child’s academic performance are:

1. Provides an incentive to achieve

When parents take an interest in and support their child’s education, it increases the child’s incentive to achieve. Knowing that their parents are concerned about their academic status can motivate students to work harder in class.

2. Less absenteeism

Parental participation leads to higher attendance rates. Parents that value education guarantee that their children attend school on a regular basis, lowering the chances of missed courses and falling behind.

3. Better study skills and an instilled desire to learn

Parents can help their children develop good study habits and time management abilities. Children are more likely to be organized and successful in their academics when they get help in these areas at home. Parents that are enthusiastic about learning and education typically instill this excitement in their children. This can instill a lifelong interest in learning and curiosity. The attitudes of parents toward education influence their children’s ideas of its significance. Children are more likely to develop comparable attitudes and values when their parents respect education and actively participate in it.

4. Increased confidence and interpersonal skills

The interaction between parents and their children helps children acquire social skills which can improve classroom interactions. When parents show an interest in their child’s education, children feel more respected and confident. This improvement in self-esteem has the potential to have a knock-on effect on their overall well-being and academic achievement.

5. Collaborative discipline and support structure

Students with active parental involvement in their education are less likely to participate in disruptive behavior. The existence of parental support creates a more pleasant and structured atmosphere, which leads to better school behavior. Better communication between parents and teachers is made possible by parental involvement. This collaboration enables the early detection of learning difficulties or other concerns including discipline, resulting in prompt interventions and support.

Overall, parental engagement creates a supportive environment that nurtures academic success and holistic development. Every parent should strive to get empowered on how best to engage in their child’s educational journey.


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